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How Does Baby Powder Cause Ovarian Cancer?

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For over forty years, there has been growing concerns that baby powder can cause ovarian cancer when used on the genital area for a prolonged number of years. There are conflicting studies, some believe talcum powder can aggravate the ovaries and can cause cancer to develop, while other studies claim there is no connection between talcum powder and ovarian cancer at all.

However, the studies that suggest there is a connection show strong evidence that talcum powder is a significant catalyst in the cancer’s growth and development.

It is widely known that talcum, which contains asbestos, can cause cancer when inhaled. Baby powder we use today does not contain asbestos but it can still be potentially harmful to your health.

So, How Does Talcum Powder Cause Ovarian Cancer?

Some studies believe there is a connection between using talcum powder on the genital area and the risk of developing ovarian cancer. As the body cannot break down the talc particles, it remains in the body and can eventually become inflamed.

Inflammation can damage the surrounding cells and cause them to mutate and develop into cancerous cells. This is how baby powder can cause ovarian cancer.

There Have Been Other Cases Which Suggest Talcum Powder Can Cause Other Types of Cancer, Like:

  • Endometrial cancer
  • Cervical cancer
  • Fallopian Tube cancer
  • Leimyosarcoma cancer

When talcum powder is used on the genital area, there is a risk it will enter the body and travel through the uterus, and the fallopian tubes and to the ovaries.

In the case of Jacqueline Fox, who died from ovarian cancer, she claimed she used J&J baby powder and Shower to Shower for over 30 years as part of her feminine hygiene routine. Other women have regularly used talcum powder for feminine hygiene since they were young and have discovered they have ovarian cancer. Of course, it is important to look at each case individually to see if there is a definitive link between talcum powder use and cancer growth but in some of these cases, it’s clear talcum powder was a central factor.

There is evidence to suggest Johnson & Johnson were warned in the 1970s about the potential harm baby powder could cause when used for feminine hygiene but J&J chose not to warn their consumers.

If you believe your ovarian cancer (or other cancer) was cause by continued use of talcum powder, you can find out if you’re eligible to file a compensation claim. Use our free test:

What Do the Juries Say About It?

So far, some juries believe there is a link between baby powder and ovarian cancer. In St. Louis, a jury awarded Deborah Giannecchini with more than $70 million after she claimed her ovarian cancer was caused from long-term use of Johnson & Johnson’s baby powder.

There have been other successful cases. Also, in St. Louis, Gloria Ristesund was awarded $55 million. She had used both Johnson & Johnson baby powder and Shower to Shower talcum powder products for more than 35 years.

Do You Believe Your Cancer Was Caused by Prolonged Use of Johnson & Johnson Baby Powder?

If you have ovarian cancer and you used Johnson & Johnson’s baby powder or Shower to Shower, you could claim compensation.

At Coxwell & Associates, PLLC, our team of personal injury attorneys in Mississippi are here to help. We have worked on high-profile cases and helped our clients achieve compensation for damages. We care about our clients and firmly believe companies should pay when they have made a mistake. In this case, Johnson & Johnson chose to benefit their own profits rather than protect the health and safety of their consumers.

Before contacting a lawyer, we recommend you use our free eligibility test to find out if you’re eligible to file a talcum powder lawsuit. It’s free and takes less than 30 seconds to complete.

Disclaimer: This blog is intended as general information purposes only, and is not a substitute for legal advice. Anyone with a legal problem should consult a lawyer immediately.