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Mayor Melton Dies


Mayor Frank Melton died one day after he was unsuccessful in his bid for re-election as the Mayor for the City of Jackson. During his term in office Mayor Melton became a controversial figure. Many people felt his was ignoring his duties as Mayor to go out on the street and act as a police office. People frequently told me that he was elected Mayor, not as a cop. Civil rights groups complained frequently saying that the Mayor was ignoring the Constitution, Statutes, and Laws in order to chase down a few petty crimes. At times it did seem that the Mayor was side-tracked in his vision. Business leaders also expresses frustration over the Mayor’s lack of interest in running the City and bringing in development. This was obvious from the way many of the major businessmen in Jackson got behind one of the Mayor’s opponents.

Coxwell & Associates had both the pleasure and honor of representing Mayor Melton twice in his trouble with the law. On one occasion we defended Mayor Melton after a Circuit Court Judge revoked his probation. We were successful in our defense. On the second occasion we served as lead counsel in Mayor Melton’s State Court trial when he was charged with four (4) felonies. The jury returned a verdict of not guilty. To be honest Mayor Melton was a charismatic and friendly person. In spite of what we may have personally thought were some of his mistakes at times, we liked and respected him. Let no one doubt one thing: Frank Melton was committed to children and his community. He single-handed helped so many young people. And yes he made some mistakes along the way and he probably erred in his judgement. But in the overall accounting of Frank’s acts, deeds, and life, we give him a 100, or an A+. We pass over his mistakes because at one time in every one’s life, we all make plenty of mistakes. Frank’s plans and goals were grand, but so were some of his errors. Nevertheless, he wanted good things for children, people, and the City of Jackson. Frank simply forget there is a right way and a wrong way to do things. Sometimes he chose the fast way which is often the wrong way. We will miss his heart and his sense of humor.

Disclaimer: This blog is intended as general information purposes only, and is not a substitute for legal advice. Anyone with a legal problem should consult a lawyer immediately.
