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Hey Mississippi: FBI Child Porn Raid a Strong Argument for Locking Down WIFI Networks

FBI raid

This is a shocking and sobering story. The homes of three separate individuals were raided by FBI agents for allegedly downloading child porn on their computers. The feds accused the three of being “creeps” and urged them to come clean of their crimes.

However, the Feds were wrong. Neighbors of the three innocent parties had utilized their unsecured wireless network address and downloaded the child porn. I’m sure the Feds apologized for their actions towards these innocent persons. Yeah right.

Two lessons to take away from this. First, lock your wireless internet! Second, don’t presume someone is guilty just because they are arrested.

Chuck Mullins has been helping Mississippians and surfing the web securely for many years. Check out more of Chuck at the Coxwell & Associates website.

Disclaimer: This blog is intended as general information purposes only, and is not a substitute for legal advice. Anyone with a legal problem should consult a lawyer immediately.
