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How to Start a Corn Farmers Lawsuit Against Syngenta

Yellow corn

Are you a corn farmer who has lost income because of the drop in corn market prices caused by Syngenta? Then you could be eligible to file a lawsuit to claim compensation.

Syngenta’s decision to market their GMO corn Agrisure Viptera MIR162 before getting export approval from China has had major negative implications for the US corn market. Bushel prices have dropped substantially.

All corn farmers have been affected. Farmers have lost valuable income because of the price drop and this has meant some farmers have been unable to pay rent to their landlords, and in some cases farmers have had to sell their land.

If you’re a corn farmer who has lost income since 2013 because of the disastrous drop in the corn market then you could file a claim.

How to Begin a Corn Farmers Lawsuit Against Syngenta

There are some key steps you need to follow before filing your claim.

Answer These Questions

Before you start your lawsuit, your attorney will be asking you some important questions to ensure you definitely have a case against Syngenta, such as:

  • Did you grow corn in 2013 and afterwards? The drop in corn market prices took place in 2013 after China refused shipments of US corn. If you’ve lost income for other reasons before 2013, you cannot file a corn farmers lawsuit.
  • Did you grow corn other than Viptera MIR162? The entire corn industry has been affected, not only farmers used Viptera corn. Farmers who did not use Viptera have had to suffer losses they never agreed to.
  • Did you suffer a loss of income from the drop in the corn market in 2013?

If your answer is yes to all these questions, then it’s likely you’ve got the grounds to file a lawsuit against Syngenta. If you’re not confident you have a case, then please contact our team who can help you find out.

Collect Details About Your Farm

When you find the right lawyer for your case, they will want plenty of information about your farm and your company. So it’s worthwhile to get this information ready so when you’ve found the best lawyer to handle your lawsuit, they know everything about your case. Having this information prepared from the beginning will help get your case started faster because you don’t have to wait while all the paperwork is collected.

Your lawyer will want to know:

  • How long have you had your farm?
  • What is the size of your farmland?
  • How many people do you employ?
  • Where is your farmland located?
  • Do you specialise only in corn or do you grow other types of crops?
  • How has the corn market price drop impacted you? Can you prove loss of income? Have you been unable to pay land rent or been forced to sell farmland?

Answering these questions and collecting documents that support your answers will help your lawyer build a strong case.

Find an Experienced Lawyer

Nowadays, there seemed to be thousands of ‘experienced’ lawyers. If you look on any law firm websites, you will likely see ‘experienced law firm’ stamped all over the site. It’s easy for a law firm to say they are experienced, it’s harder for them to prove it.

When looking for an attorney to handle your case, you need to find out what trial experience they have and what credentials they have to support their statements. You don’t want to be wasting your time and efforts with a law firm who doesn’t have the legal experience to stand against global companies like Syngenta. Here’s more information on how to determine the difference between an experienced lawyer and a lawyer who is not worth your time.

Start Your Corn Farmers Lawsuit Against Syngenta with Coxwell & Associates, PLLC

At Coxwell & Associates, PLLC, our legal team have worked throughout the US. We’ve have over thirty-five years of legal experience and during this time we’ve worked on a wide range of cases. Most importantly, we have won multi-million dollar compensation amounts for our clients. We’re not afraid of going to court, we’re a passionate team of attorneys who are here to fight your corner.

If you’re looking to start your corn farmers lawsuit or you want to get some advice from an attorney, contact us.

Disclaimer: This blog is intended as general information purposes only, and is not a substitute for legal advice. Anyone with a legal problem should consult a lawyer immediately.