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Who can file a corn lawsuit? Corn farmers, landlords and more

old man standing in the field

Do you have to be a corn farmer to sue Syngenta? This is a common question asked because many workers in the corn industry do not know if they can file a corn lawsuit against Syngenta for loss of income.

It is currently being argued that Syngenta’s decision to market their Agrisure Viptera MIR 162 corn before they had import approval from China has had a negative impact on the US corn market price. Some US corn farmers bought and used Viptera corn because it had defensive properties against insects and produced a high-quality crop. However, they also bought Viptera because they believed Syngenta would soon get approval from China.

Since Syngenta did not get approval until late 2014, corn farmers were unable to export corn to China and lost financial income as a result.

Other corn farmers, who did not use Viptera corn, were unable to export corn because they had traces of Viptera in their crops. Not only have corn farmers suffered but the entire corn market industry has been affected. Landlords and corn transporters have lost financial income too. This means anyone who works in the corn industry, who can prove they have lost income because of Syngenta’s actions could file a corn lawsuit.

Here is a detailed list of other occupations in the corn industry who can file a claim against Syngenta:


If you own (or have owned) farmland that you lease out to corn farmers, but your tenants have been unable to pay rent because they lost income from the fall in corn market prices, then you can file a claim.

Corn Exporters

If you have a corn transportation or exportation business, then you could be eligible to filing a claim against Syngenta. Transportation is required for moving corn but if farmers have struggled to sell their crops, then you could have lost work and income.

Corn Elevators

Corn elevators are used to handle and inspect corn, and give the farmer a selling price. If corn farmers were unable to sell their corn, this has a knock-on-effect on corn elevators who also lose income.

These are only a few of the different occupations in the corn industry, there are many others who have been affected.

How to Start a Corn Lawsuit

Whether you’re a corn farmer, landlord, transporter or anyone who works in the US corn industry, you could be able to file a claim against Syngenta to recover lost income. Firstly, talk to an experienced attorney to see if you have a case.

At Coxwell & Associates, PLLC, our team of talented attorneys are well-versed in US and state law. While we are based in Mississippi, we have worked on cases throughout the country. We have won cases against multi-million dollar corporations and we will fight for the compensation you deserve. Contact us and one of our attorneys will determine if you have a case.

Disclaimer: This blog is intended as general information purposes only, and is not a substitute for legal advice. Anyone with a legal problem should consult a lawyer immediately.
