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How to Find a Big Truck Accident Lawyer

man smiling

Truck accidents are traumatic enough without attempting to try and deal with the aftermath yourself. Chasing up insurance firms, witnesses, and big legal firms is a massive chore and are easy to get wrong. That’s why we recommend you hire an attorney to represent you. This post will outline everything you need to know on how to find the perfect big truck accident and personal injury lawyer.

We’ll cover:

  • Where to Find Attorneys
  • Shortlist and Carry Out Interviews
  • What Your Truck Accident Lawyer Should Do

Where to Find Attorneys

First of all, when looking for the perfect personal injury attorney to represent you, you have to know where to start looking to find the best. You need to nail your research. Start with your local area and scope out the local attorney practices. Find out as much as possible from the local attorneys in your area and whether they can help you. is a great place to start whilst conducting your research. The site shows profiles of many different lawyers with ratings and reviews submitted regarding their previous cases. Check out the reviews to see whether they’ve worked on a case similar to yours in the past.

If you’re still struggling to find the right person for the job, the local bar association will point you in the right direction. Gain access to attorney records with this lawyer directory of Mississippi.

Shortlist and Carry Out Interviews

Once you’ve seen a potential few lawyers that you’d like to help you with your truck accident claim, it’s time to shortlist them and start organizing some meetings.

Whether over the phone, face-to-face or by email, there are important questions that you need answers to before you can decide who is the perfect lawyer for your case.

  • What experience do they have? Has the particular lawyer represented somebody in a similar case and position to you before? If so, what was the result of the case, and how much compensation was awarded to the victim?
  • Do they have any specialist knowledge or training? Other than the required law qualification, do they have any extra knowledge or training that could bolster the chances of you winning your case?
  • What’s their record and success rate? This is one of the most important factors when looking out for your truck lawyer. This rate determines how good a job your attorney does, if they’re “in the form” or not, and if they have any previous success with cases like yours.
  • What are the costs? Don’t be fooled by the appeal of low fees. This could suggest inexperience or incompetence. While a higher fee doesn’t guarantee success, it’s something to bear in mind. Can you budge them on their price or not? Also, are they paid hourly or is it a flat rate?
  • How long is the process going to take? The decision can take months or even years for a settlement to be reached. So you need to be realistic about how much compensation you think you’ll need and also how long you and the attorney feel the whole process could last.
  • Are they even available? You may want a certain attorney but unfortunately, their busy schedule might not allow it. They may guarantee you some time and then pass on your work to a junior or assistant colleague.
  • What is the likely outcome? A good attorney should advise you of how successful your case might be. If winning the case will be a tough fight, you’re better off knowing sooner rather than later to minimize costs.

What Your Truck Accident Lawyer Should Do

Over the course of your claim, your attorney should carry out these actions:

  • Obtain all relevant information. After the incident, your personal injury lawyer will get to work on gathering any witness statements, photographs, and official police reports. This helps establish who's liable for the crash and what exactly happened.
  • Seek medical information. Only after you’ve been fully cleared by your doctor will your attorney gather medical reports, records, bills, and employment details.
  • Receive and review insurance company offers. This will enclose your compensation amount, your attorney will advise whether to accept, decline or dispute.
  • Take further action. This occurs when your attorney isn’t able to reach a fair offer for your claim and is usually in the form of filing lawsuits or demanding arbitration. The defendants then have 30 days to respond.
  • Discovery Phase. This phase gets underway and may include contacting witnesses, repositioning parties, and consulting experts. Your lawyer will assist you all the way and afterwards a trial date should be set.

Only Settle for the Best Representation

If you or a loved one have been unfortunate enough to get caught up in a truck accident, you’re going to want the best lawyer. That way, your chances of the deserved compensation and winning your claim are maximized. At Coxwell & Associates, we’ve been representing Mississippians for over 35 years. Our team of experts offers consultations , so get in touch today.

Or, if you’re not quite ready, download our free guide below on everything you need to know about your truck accident claim.

Disclaimer: This blog is intended for general information purposes only, and is not a substitute for legal advice. Anyone with a legal problem should consult a lawyer immediately.