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Mississippi Association of Justice Annual Meeting


Three lawyers from Coxwell & Associates, a serious personal injury and criminal defense firm in Jackson, Hinds County, Mississippi attended the Mississippi Association of Justice Annual Meeting and Continuing Legal Education Program last week. The Miss. Assoc. of Justice is an organization of attorneys who are dedicated to preserving the right to a jury trial and helping people with a wide array of legal problems. This year famed attorney Jerry Spence was the keynote speaker. Mr. Spence is a nationally know attorney who has successfully helped people in both criminal and civil cases. He is an author, has been a t.v. host, and runs the Trial Lawyers College. Mr. Spence considers his best characteristic his humanity.

In addition to Mr. Spence there were several other nationally recognized attorneys speaking on trial skills. I thoroughly enjoyed the program and learned a great deal from the speakers. It is thrilling to me to know that I can always learn more from other lawyers and people if I keep my mind open and listen. This years program will be hard to beat.

Disclaimer: This blog is intended as general information purposes only, and is not a substitute for legal advice. Anyone with a legal problem should consult a lawyer immediately.
