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8th Circuit Court of Appeals Sides with Owners in NFL Lockout


As the NFL lockout enters its 116th day, the 8th Circuit Court of Appeals handed the owners more ammunition it the bargaining process. Now, many legal analysts from around the country have predicted this outcome. But, it wasn’t because of the strength of the owner’s legal position but because the 8th Circuit is deemed to be more “business friendly” because two of three judges hearing the case were appointed by Republican presidents.

Now, let’s think about that. Isn’t it scary that Instead of looking at the merits of a case its the politics which determine the outcome? It’s scary but true. I’m not saying that the 8th Circuit judges who voted in favor of the owners did this but I do think it happens a lot in our country. I just want a judge, or judges, who call “balls and strikes” fairly. Don’t decide cases based upon your political views or how it will hurt your chances for re-election. Being a judge is tough and it requires making tough decisions.

People argue that all judges should be appointed thus removing the political party affiliation from the judiciary. This makes me laugh. The appointment process for judges n Federal courts is more of a political process than most judicial elections. What we need are judges who simply do the right thing.

Chuck Mullins has been fortunate to practice law for 17 years in front of many Mississippi judges who “do the right thing” despite their political affiliations. Learn more about Chuck at the Coxwell & Associates website.

Disclaimer: This blog is intended as general information purposes only, and is not a substitute for legal advice. Anyone with a legal problem should consult a lawyer immediately.
