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How Much Compensation for an Ovarian Cancer Talcum Powder Lawsuit?

Woman Speaking to Another Woman

Before you start filing a lawsuit, it’s normal to wonder how much compensation you could receive if your case is successful. With the help of your lawyer, you can claim compensation for damages and injuries you’ve suffered but the jury (or judge) can also order the defendant to pay punitive damages too.

Some women have been successful in their talcum powder lawsuits and been awarded compensation. Even though each talcum powder case should be looked at individually, you can get an idea of how much compensation you could get for an ovarian cancer talcum powder lawsuit.

How Much Compensation Have Plaintiffs Won in Talcum Powder Cases?

Over the last few decades, there have been studies on whether Johnson and Johnson's baby powder is safe to use. There is strong evidence to suggest baby powder is harmful when used as part of a long-term feminine hygiene routine and there is more evidence that claims Johnson and Johnson were aware of the potential risks and chose to ignore them.

Hundreds of Women in the US Have Filed Lawsuits Against J&J and Some of the Victims Have Won Compensation.

  • Jackie Fox’s family received $72 million dollars after a court determined there was enough evidence to suggest talcum powder was responsible for her ovarian cancer.
  • Gloria Ristesund won $55 million dollars after she developed cancer in 2011. She had been using baby powder and Shower to Shower powder for over 35 years.
  • Deborah Giannecchini discovered she had ovarian cancer in 2012 and she won $70 million dollars in compensation.

There is currently no class action lawsuit against Johnson & Johnson for their baby powder because each case must be looked at individually.

For an Ovarian Cancer Talcum Powder Lawsuit You Can Claim Compensation For:

  • Financial losses: if you have been unable to work because of your injuries then you could claim for loss of earnings.
  • Injuries: ovarian cancer is a serious disease and can cause long-term issues.
  • Medical bills: you should be compensated for any medical bills you’ve had to pay because of talcum powder.
  • Psychological injuries: you could claim compensation if you’ve suffered psychologically (e.g. depression, stress, etc.)

Could Johnson & Johnson Be Ordered to Pay Punitive Damages?

So far, in previous cases, J&J have been ordered by the jury to pay punitive damages. A defendant can be ordered to pay punitive damages if the jury determines they acted recklessly or attempted to cause deliberate harm. The amount of punitive damages is designed to punish the defendant for acting recklessly and deter them from repeating their actions in the future.

In relation to previous talcum powder cases, attorneys have argued that Johnson and Johnson were aware of a connection between talcum powder and ovarian cancer. By the fact, there has been no baby powder recall and J&J have continued to passionately market their talcum powder suggests they have been acting recklessly.

Why You Should File a Lawsuit Against Johnson & Johnson?

If you have suffered from ovarian cancer and you believe it has been caused by repeated use of talcum powder, you could be eligible to file a lawsuit.

Some people don’t like the idea of filing a claim as they think it will be costly or think the process will be too long but if you believe you’ve been harmed by J&J baby powder, it’s important you file a claim. Other women have suffered as a result of using talcum powder because they were not warned about the potential dangers. Companies should not be allowed to choose their profits over the well-being of their consumers. Filing a lawsuit will give you the opportunity to claim compensation for injuries and financial costs you’ve suffered and make Johnson and Johnson pay for their negligence.

Here is more information on how to start a talcum powder lawsuit.

Are You Eligible to File an Ovarian Cancer Talcum Powder Lawsuit?

Before you can file a lawsuit, you must find out if you’re eligible to file a claim. At the moment, there is a strict screening criteria for who can claim so it’s important you take an eligibility test before speaking to a lawyer. Here is a free eligibility test – find out if you can claim for compensation.

Disclaimer: This blog is intended as general information purposes only, and is not a substitute for legal advice. Anyone with a legal problem should consult a lawyer immediately.
