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4 Personal Injury Auto Accident Tips


Many of us have never been in a truck accident so it can be difficult to know exactly what to do next. Once you’ve received medical attention, spoken to the police and notified your insurance company, what’s next?

Here are four great tips that can help if you’ve suffered a personal injury as a result of an accident.

  • Collect Information
  • Write a Statement
  • Notify Your Employers
  • Seek Legal Help

Collect Information

Collecting as much information as you can about the incident will help you when it comes to filing a police report or claiming for compensation. You may have taken pictures of the crash site and swapped insurance details with those involved but there’s still more information you can gather.

If you were able to source any eyewitnesses of the crash and exchange contact information, now is a good time to get in touch with them. Ask them if they’d be willing to give a statement of events whilst they are still recent.

Write a Statement

As soon as possible after the crash, you should write a full and detailed statement that outlines exactly what happened. It’s a good idea to make this statement whilst the details are fresh in your mind.

Don’t just write about the moment of the collision, include anything that may be useful in the future. Mention the weather conditions that day, whether or not the road is one you drive on every day and if there was anything you were distracted by.

When it comes to detailing the incident itself, try and be as factual as possible. Avoid opinions or placing the blame, just write exactly what happened. Filling your statement with biased observations will only lead to problems in the future.

Notify Your Employers

After you’ve been in such a traumatic accident, it’s easy to lose track of everyday things like work.

You’ll need to speak to your employers so that they’re aware that you’ve been involved in a truck accident. The collision itself may have been whilst travelling to work so it’s important that they’re kept in the loop.

Give your employer regular updates after the accident and let them know the extent of your injuries. You might be facing a lengthy spell away from work, so your workplace will need to find temporary cover.

If your injuries prevent you from working, then you’ll be able to claim for loss of earnings from the defendant.

Seek Legal Help

After the initial shock of the crash has begun to wear off, you might start to feel angry towards those responsible. Making a claim for compensation can be complicated so it’s important to speak to professional experts who can help you take the best course of action.

The accident may have serious financial implications, including significant medical expenses. You might be unable to work due to your injuries so you’ll have mounting bills and no way of paying for them.

Don’t panic, seek out professional legal help and begin your claim for the compensation you deserve.

How to Make a Claim for Compensation

Find a local attorney that has experience when it comes to personal injury auto accidents and ask them about their previous track record. Be aware of your budget and speak to different attorneys about costs and fees.

Even if you think you might be somewhat to blame for the truck accident, you are still eligible for compensation. The attorney you’ve chosen will be able to explain to you exactly what you can claim for.

All the information you gathered following the crash will be used by your attorney to make your case. They will also review traffic camera recordings, meet with insurance adjusters and book sessions with accident scene investigators so that every possible detail has been considered.

After all of your evidence has been considered, your legal team will draft a personal injury letter that will be sent to the defendants. In this letter you’ll outline exactly who you believe is to blame, the evidence supporting this and the financial settlement figure you’d be willing to accept.

The financial figure you ask for is affected by medical fees, loss of earnings, property damage, future loss of earnings and pain and suffering. They may be willing to negotiate with you on this figure but if no agreement is made you’ll go to trial.

Going to trial isn’t as scary as it seems and your legal team will be on hand to offer guidance and support throughout. Trials for personal injury claims are rare but are always a possibility. Some cases are even settled on the morning of the trial, but if an agreement isn’t reached, a judge and jury will decide matters.

Make a Claim for Truck Accident Compensation

Whether you reach a settlement or go to trial, the Coxwell & Associates team will make sure you receive the compensation you deserve after a truck accident, therefore we have put together a free guide to help you file a claim, just click on the button below to download.

Disclaimer: This blog is intended as general information purposes only, and is not a substitute for legal advice. Anyone with a legal problem should consult a lawyer immediately.
