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5 Signs of a Hernia Mesh Infection

Woman sitting suffering from abdominal pain

Surgical mesh is a medical device that supports damaged or weakened tissue. It is often used to repair hernias. Although hernia mesh is intended to improve comfort and reduce pain, patients can suffer devastating complications when hernia mesh is defective or the surgical team makes an error.

One of the more severe issues that can arise due to hernia mesh is an infection. These infections tend to be fairly advanced when discovered, so they often require more than just antibiotics. Affected patients may have to undergo a second surgery to remove the mesh, making them vulnerable to further complications.

Like any other medical condition, identifying the issue early may improve your prognosis and possibly save you from having to undergo a more invasive procedure. In this blog, we’ll discuss a few common signs of a hernia mesh infection.

If you developed a hernia mesh infection and want to sue the liable provider, facility, or hernia mesh manufacturer, contact a personal injury lawyer at Coxwell & Associates. We are well versed in the laws that govern these claims, and we work closely with a team of medical experts who can investigate the cause of your injury and determine the cost of your damages. Call (601) 265-7766 to schedule a case evaluation with a hernia mesh attorney in Jackson.

Read on to learn a few signs of a hernia mesh infection:

  1. Seromas
    A seroma is a pocket of fluid composed of plasma that has escaped ruptured blood vessels. Seromas often form at the incision site after surgery. If the hernia mesh used during your procedure was infected, your incision may not heal properly, creating the perfect environment for a seroma to develop.
  2. Inflammation
    Inflammation is common after hernia surgery and can promote tissue growth in and around the mesh. In fact, devices made of polypropylene are designed to cause inflammation to facilitate a stronger bond between the mesh and the surrounding tissue. If this inflammation does not dissipate, though, it could be indicative of an infection.
  3. Chronic Pain
    Chronic pain is your body’s way of telling you something’s wrong. If you experience persistent pain and discomfort in the groin area following surgery, it could be a sign of a hernia mesh infection.
  4. Warmth at the Site
    Infections generate heat, which can actually be noticeable on the surface of skin. If skin near the hernia mesh feels warm or even hot, it may be due to an underlying infection.
  5. Flu-Like Symptoms
    Infections can cause nausea, vomiting, chills, and fever. These symptoms arise when your body’s immune system fights off foreign invaders, making them reliable indicators of an infection.

Discuss Your Case with a Hernia Mesh Lawyer in Jackson

If you developed a hernia mesh infection after undergoing surgery and want to sue all liable parties for damages, turn to Coxwell & Associates. We have won nearly $300 million for our clients in successful settlements and verdicts. Call (601) 265-7766 or fill out our Contact Form to schedule a consultation with a personal injury attorney in Jackson.

If you would like to learn more about hernia mesh, then take a look at our free information guide by clicking on the button below.

Disclaimer: This blog is intended as general information purposes only, and is not a substitute for legal advice. Anyone with a legal problem should consult a lawyer immediately.
