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The Biggest Hernia Mesh Compensation Amounts

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Recent years have seen an increase in hernia mesh failures and complications developing as a result. This has led to lawsuits being filed against the manufacturers and people seeking compensation for their injuries – some of which have been life threatening and changing. The biggest hernia mesh compensation amount to date is $57 million and the other high profile cases aren’t far behind.

Here are some of the biggest hernia mesh compensation amounts, what you can expect and how to achieve the best possible outcome if you file a claim.

What’s the Highest Compensation Amount You Can Receive?

Due to the severity of the complications, many lawsuits have been resulting in multimillion dollar settlements.

$57 Million

The highest ever hernia mesh compensation amount was awarded to a Pennsylvanian woman in 2017. The manufacturer, Johnson & Johnson, was made to pay a record $57 million in damages after Ella Ebaugh’s mesh eroded into her urethra, causing her extreme pain. She required three corrective surgeries and even after that, some of the mesh still remains.

$20 Million

Johnson & Johnson was forced to pay another woman $20 million earlier this year after she experienced severe complications due to her pelvic hernia mesh. $17.5 million of the compensation was for punitive damages, which is compensation awarded to punish the company and deter them and others from committing repeat/similar offences.

$2.16 Million

Philadelphia jury awarded another woman $2.16 million after she filed a lawsuit against Johnson & Johnson in 2013. This was the fourth surgical mesh lawsuit that the pharmaceutical giant lost and it was certainly not the last.

Why Have These Lawsuits Resulted in Huge Payouts?

Since their introduction in 1958, hernia meshes have been the preferred hernia repair method because of the shorter operating time and faster recovery period. But, there have been a recent increase in the occurrence of infections in hernia mesh patients, with some people suffering from extremely severe and serious complications.

These are the people who are likely to receive the biggest hernia mesh compensation amounts because their mesh has caused them the worst problems that have changed their lives.

But it’s important to realise not all lawsuits will end in millions of dollars being awarded. It depends on a variety of things, namely how much damage the mesh has caused you.

This includes:

  • Physical pain and damage (whether the mesh has caused you life-changing, potentially irreversible damage).
  • How much corrective surgery was needed.
  • How much the corrective surgery (or surgeries) costed.
  • Whether you needed to take time off work due to symptoms and corrective surgery. If so, how much time off was needed.
  • How much income you’ve lost due to taking time off work.
  • How much income you will lose in the future if you’ll need to take more time off work.

What to Do to Ensure Your Lawsuit has the Best Possible Outcome

If you’ve suffered from the side effects and complications of a hernia mesh, you should consider filing a claim. These surgical meshes were designed and marketed to help you but they’ve only served to cause you further pain. You deserve to be compensated for your troubles.

If you want to ensure your claim has the best possible outcome, follow these simple three steps…

  1. Check you’re eligible to file a claim.
    There’s strict criteria in place for who can file a hernia mesh claim. At the moment, lawsuits can only be filed against Ethicon (Johnson & Johnson)’s Physiomesh and Atrium’s C-QUR because these products are different to other meshes available on the market. They were made from polypropylene and covered with a special coating that was meant to be safer but ended up causing problems like allergic reactions and pain.
    So, before you go ahead with your claim, contact your surgeon to find out which mesh product was used for your hernia repair.
  2. Keep a record of how much damage the mesh has caused.
    If you’re eligible, you can begin to prepare your lawsuit. Start by determining how much damage your mesh has caused – both physically, mentally and financially. This will help your attorney figure out how much you can claim in compensation.
  3. Find the best hernia mesh attorney to represent you.
    Boost your chances of a successful lawsuit and compensation by finding a qualified, experienced attorney to handle your cause. You need a lawyer who has had years of working on high profile personal injury cases and is someone you can trust. The best lawyers will have your interests at heart and can get you the compensation you deserve.

Speak to an Experienced Attorney Today

At Coxwell & Associates, our team of lawyers are qualified and experienced. They have been representing Mississippians with their personal injury cases for over 35 years, helping them achieve the compensation they deserve.

We offer case consultations so click the button below to speak to a member of our team about your hernia mesh lawsuit today.

Disclaimer: This blog is intended as general information purposes only, and is not a substitute for legal advice. Anyone with a legal problem should consult a lawyer immediately.
