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4 Social Media Tips for Personal Injury Claimants

Happy girl texting on the smart phone in a hotel restaurant terrace

Social media has become a cornerstone of modern life. Most Americans have an account on at least one social media platform, and many have profiles on multiple sites.

According to Pew Research Center, the two most popular platforms are Facebook and YouTube, though that will likely change over the coming years. Other platforms competing for the most users, posts, and daily interactions include Snapchat, Instagram, and Twitter.

The primary draw of social media is the way it connects people. Most users don’t think twice about posting a photo of their breakfast or a status about their latest workout for their friends or followers to see. But if you intend to file a personal injury claim, you should think twice before publishing anything online.

At the end of the day, there is no way to predict how the insurance company might use a photo, video, or status to dispute your claim. If you want to avoid jeopardizing your case inadvertently, it is best to stay off social media entirely or, at the very least, set your accounts to private.

For more tips on strengthening your case, contact the personal injury lawyers at Coxwell & Associates. Our legal team can help you avoid critical mistakes that could hurt your chances of recovering a fair settlement. Call (601) 265-7766 to schedule a case evaluation with a personal injury attorney in Jackson.

Read on to learn a few social media tips for protecting your claim:

  1. Update Your Privacy Settings
    Although there are ways to browse through posts on private profiles, changing your settings will provide an added layer of protection from relentless insurance adjusters.
  2. Filter Your Friends/Followers
    How many of the users who have “friended” or “followed” you actually know you in person? Scroll through your list of contacts on each profile and consider removing anyone whom you have never actually met. This will make it harder for the opposing party to find or browse your profile through other users.
  3. Do Not Accept New Requests
    Be wary of accepting any new friend requests once the claims process commences. People whom you do not recognize could be aligned with the liable party or insurance company.
  4. Remind Friends of the Pending Case
    Even if you’re no longer actively posting on social media, a single photograph or status on a friend’s profile could threaten your claim. Remind friends that you have a pending suit, and ask them to avoid including you in their posts until everything has been resolved.

Discuss Your Case With a Personal Injury Lawyer in Jackson

If you were hurt or lost someone you love due to another person’s negligence, turn to Coxwell & Associates. We have been representing Mississippians for more than 35 years. Call (601) 265-7766 or click on the bottom below to schedule an initial consultation with one of Jackson’s leading personal injury attorneys.

Disclaimer: This blog is intended as general information purposes only, and is not a substitute for legal advice. Anyone with a legal problem should consult a lawyer immediately.
