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3 Questions to Ask Before Using Social Media After a Personal Injury

Woman sending text message on cellphone

If you’re like most people, you have at least one social media account that you use regularly. According to The Statistics Portal, about 77 percent of Americans have a profile on one or more social media platforms.

You might not think twice about updating your status or uploading a photo for friends to see, but if you intend to file a personal injury claim, these seemingly benign posts can derail your entire case. Insurance companies have clued into the fact that social media content can be used to dispute the severity of injuries and other elements of a personal injury case, so it’s best to stay off social media entirely until your claim has been resolved.

For more tips on giving your case the best chance of success, turn to Coxwell & Associates. Our attorneys can help you avoid critical mistakes and use proven legal strategies to fight for the compensation you deserve. Call (601) 265-7766 to schedule a consultation with a personal injury attorney in Jackson.

Read on to learn three questions you should ask before posting anything on social media while your case is ongoing:

  1. Does This Post Have Anything to Do with the Accident?
    If the post references the accident, your injuries, or anything regarding the claims process, it’s best not to publish it. Insurance companies are adept at using posts that seem innocuous to reduce their liability and dispute the severity of injuries.
  2. How Could This Post Be Interpreted?
    Posting photos from a night out with friends might seem perfectly fine because it doesn’t reference your accident or case in any way, but the insurance company might interpret the photo as evidence you are exaggerating your injuries. Since there’s no way to predict how a post might be interpreted, you should avoid publishing anything at all until your case has been resolved.
  3. Who Is Going to See This Post?
    Even if you update your privacy settings and filter your friends lists, there’s no foolproof way to contain information once it has been published online. You should always assume the insurance adjuster is going to see everything you post and use it to dispute your claim.

Call (601) 265-7766 to Speak with a Personal Injury Lawyer in Jackson

If you have suffered a serious injury or the wrongful death of a loved one, it is important that you do everything in your power to strengthen your case—because insurance companies can be ruthless when it comes to fighting claims. The attorneys at Coxwell & Associates have the knowledge, experience, and legal strategies to help you level the playing field and pursue the compensation you deserve.

We have built our reputation on providing honest, aggressive, and compassionate representation to every one of our clients. Call (601) 265-7766 or click on the button below to schedule a case evaluation with a personal injury lawyer in Jackson.

Disclaimer: This blog is intended as general information purposes only, and is not a substitute for legal advice. Anyone with a legal problem should consult a lawyer immediately.
