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The Best Qualities of a Trusted Essure Lawsuit Attorney


When starting your claim against Bayer, it’s important you have an Essure lawsuit attorney on your side.

Having an Essure birth control lawyer increases the chances of your case being heard in court, getting the results you want, and the maximum compensation you deserve.

The lawsuits against Essure require lawyers who have years of experience and have a history of success. Bayer, the manufacturer of Essure, is a major company with millions of dollars at their disposal and a team of experienced lawyers to build their case.

When starting your Essure implant lawsuit, take the time to search for the best attorney for your case. Don’t pick the first attorney you see on a television advert or from a friend’s recommendation. For a case like this, you need an attorney who has the skills and experience to provide your case with the best chance of success.

These Are the Qualities You Need to Look for When Searching for the Best Essure Lawsuit Attorney:

They’re Considerate of Your Situation

Essure has caused serious side effects to thousands of women in the US. In some cases, women have had to have the metal coils surgically removed and this has caused long-lasting damage. There have even been cases where the coils have migrated from the fallopian tubes, perforated organs and doctors have had no choice but to perform a hysterectomy. As Bayer marketed Essure as a safe and permanent birth control solution, it is unfair many women have suffered.

It’s important to find an Essure lawsuit attorney who is considerate of your situation. They understand the pain and difficulties you’re going through and provide extra support and advice whenever they can. Many women have suffered for years as a result of Essure, so you need an attorney who will fight your corner.

Understands Essure Cases

To help ensure you have the best chances for your case, you need to find an attorney who understands Essure cases. As soon as people started filing claims against Bayer, more and more lawyers claimed they had experience handling Essure cases and were happy to help. Many of these attorneys do not have experience working on Essure claims and have limited experience working on personal injury cases.

It is essential you have an attorney who has years of experience working on personal injury claims and understands the cases against Essure. This knowledge will be vital to the chances of your case having a successful result.

At Coxwell & Associates, PLLC, we have over 30 years of experience working on personal injury cases and we have worked with women who have suffered serious side effects from having Essure.

Experience Working on Cases Against Large Companies

When you have a claim against a worldwide business like Bayer, you need an attorney who has experience working on cases against businesses like them. Bayer will have access to more funds and have whole teams of attorneys, so your attorney needs to have the confidence and experience to stand in the courtroom against them.

History of Success

One of the most important qualities of an Essure lawyer is, they must have a proven history of success. As you look at many potential lawyers for your case, you will quickly find that many lawyers say they have years of experience and success but don’t have any data to support their claims. (See the money results we’ve won for our clients.)

How to Start Your Case With a Trusted Essure Lawsuit Attorney

At Coxwell & Associates, PLLC, our team of attorneys have a wealth of experience working on personal injury cases. From talking to Essure victims and working on cases, we have the knowledge and experience to handle your case. We provide a consultation, so please talk to our team about your case or complete the form below.

By completing the form and sending it to us, our attorneys can quickly determine if you have a case against Bayer.

(Don’t leave it too late or you could risk missing your opportunity. Once your case exceeds the statute of limitations, you will not be able to file a claim.)

Disclaimer: This blog is intended as general information purposes only, and is not a substitute for legal advice. Anyone with a legal problem should consult a lawyer immediately.
