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How to File an Essure Lawsuit

Lawyer explaining legal situation to her clients

Thousands of women have experienced frightening symptoms as a result of their Essure implant. If this has happened to you or a loved one, it’s worth knowing that Bayer, the manufacturers of the contraceptive product, are now having lawsuits filed against them. Has your life been turned upside down by your side effects or permanent damage? If so, here’s how to file an Essure lawsuit.

  1. Check You’re Eligible to File a Claim Against Essure
    There are many side effects that can flare up from having an Essure procedure, but you can only be eligible to file a lawsuit against Essure if you’ve experienced certain problems.
    If you or a loved one has suffered complications from their Essure coil, such as the coils had to be removed because they migrated or perforated an organ and a complete hysterectomy had to be done as a result, then you could make a claim against Bayer.
    Bayer did not reveal the severe potential risks of having the procedure. In February 2016, the FDA announced that Essure would have to make changes to its product labelling and include a black box warning that highlights all the risks of the device, so women and doctors understand the risks before having the procedure.
    But despite the black box warning, it was too late for women who have already had an Essure implant procedure and experienced serious complications as a result.
  2. Collect as Much Medical Evidence as Possible
    Once you know you’re eligible to file a lawsuit against Bayer, you’ll need to gather evidence for your attorney – even before you choose one. Start with medical evidence. It’s recommended that you collate as much medical information as you can. Any documents you can retrieve about your Essure device, doctors’ appointments and any resulting procedures or treatment you’ve had should stand you in good stead.
    If you’ve had to go through corrective surgery due to problems with your device, make sure your lawyer is deeply informed on what surgery you underwent. This will help strengthen your case as long as there’s solid evidence that you’ve had the mentioned operation(s).
    It’s good practice to collect all the information and research as early as possible. Why? Well, if you present your attorney with plenty of detail on your first meeting with them, they can then inform you whether your case is strong enough to take further action or not.
    If you don’t provide them with enough information, you may end up having a few appointments with your lawyer before they advise you about your further options. This is risky as you could drum up a hefty bill but not end up being able to take it any further. This would be a waste of time and money for all involved.
  3. Arrange an Appointment with Your Doctor and Get Medical Evidence
    You or a loved one may have suffered from serious complications due to your Essure device. Perforation of your organs, infertility or Essure migration are just some of the side effects that you may have sustained. Serious complications could change your life forever, so it’s only right that you get the compensation you deserve.
    That’s why you need to speak to your doctor and get as much detailed information as you can about the side effects injuries you’ve experienced. This detailed account from your doctor will be beneficial to your case as evidence from a medical professional can really strengthen your chances of winning the sum you deserve.
  4. Find the Right Attorney for You
    The last thing you want to do is go into an Essure lawsuit without professional representation. Bayer, Essure’s manufacturer, will hire top lawyers who are used to getting big businesses out of sticky situations.

    They’ll know every loophole and can be quite intimidating to somebody representing themselves, so it’s better to have an experienced attorney on your side. They’ll advise you on what to say and how to act to not land yourself in hot water and put your case in jeopardy.

    But, how do you know who the right attorney is and where can you find them? Well, there are various questions you can take into account while you’re looking for the right attorney for you:

    • What’s their track record?
    • Do they have the finances and staff to take you on?
    • What’s their fee structure?
    • Are the majority of their cases referrals from other lawyers?

Don’t Hesitate to Get in Touch

At Coxwell & Associates PLLC, we have been helping Mississippians for over 35 years. During that time, we’ve worked on cases against companies and helped clients win significant compensation amounts.

We are vastly experienced in personal injury law and we’re dedicated to our clients. We’re determined to help you win the compensation you deserve.

We provide a case consultation. You can contact our office for all your quick queries. One of our expert attorneys can look at your case and determine if you have a claim.

Disclaimer: This blog is intended as general information purposes only, and is not a substitute for legal advice. Anyone with a legal problem should consult a lawyer immediately.
