When we think of exploitation of minors, crimes like child pornography, human trafficking and child sexual abuse come to mind. There is a wide variety of different criminal acts that can be construed as the exploitation of minors. Most charges involving the exploitation of a minor are felonies, which means you could spend a year or longer in prison, if convicted. Additionally, you could also be forced to register on a sex offender list. If you’re facing any kind of exploitation of minors charges, you need to speak with a skilled criminal defense attorney as soon as possible about your case.
What is The Exploitation of Minors?
The exploitation of a minor is just what it sounds like. It’s exploiting a child for what is usually monetary gain. In some cases, minor can be exploited for status elevation or sexual gratification. If a person uses or in some way exploits a child for criminal means, he or she could be charged with the exploitation of a minor. Typically, we see the exploitation of minors where charges involving pornography, child sexual abuse or trafficking is concerned. Anytime a child is used as some type of currency or bargaining chip, you’re likely facing exploitation charges.
Exploitation of Minors and Federal Charges
In most cases, the exploitation of a minor is a felony, and felony charges hold serious and severe penalties. In the best-case scenario, if convicted, you’re facing a minimum, bare minimum, of one year in prison. More likely, you’re facing a number of years in a federal prison facility, expensive fines and the stigma of returning to society, a branded sex offender or predator. If you’re facing these very serious felony charges, you need to speak with a proven and experienced criminal defense attorney as soon as possible to get the ball rolling on your defense.
Sexual Exploitation of Minors
Most often, exploitation of minors involves some type of sexual abuse. This means you’re looking at serious felony criminal charges of child exploitation and possibly additional charges associated with child sexual abuse. It’s not too uncommon to see parents, grand parents or other types of caregivers charged with the exploitation of minors or of some type of child sexual abuse. If a child is involved with any kind of scheme or plot to make money through sexual exploitation or for sexual gratification, you could be facing a charge of the exploitation of a minor.
Exploiting and Trafficking of Minors
Unfortunately, human trafficking is a huge industry throughout the U.S. The exploitation of minors through human trafficking, whether for the sex trade or some other type of service, could land you in prison for an extended stay. These charges can involve both children who were born in the U.S. and undocumented children. If you have been charged with or in anyway connected with a child traffic trade, you need to seek the assistance of an experienced criminal defense attorney sooner than later.
Pornography and The Exploitation of Minors
Another common charge we see associated with the exploitation of minors is pornography. Child pornography can also be a number of things. This can include, still photos, videos or other types of media associated with child pornography. Additionally, people who have been charged with being associated with any part of the child pornography charges could potentially be facing charges associated with the exploitation of a minor. This means, that pre-production, production, post-production, distribution, buying or selling could land you in hot water. The eyes of the law see anybody associated with any type of child pornography as being a serious felony offender.
Exploitation of Minors Charges in Mississippi
After any kind of criminal arrest, whether it involves the exploitation of minors or not, it’s a good idea to speak with a skilled and proven criminal defense attorney about your case. Don’t fall into the trap of not wanting to talk to a lawyer because you might look guilty. Don’t worry about what you look like right now. The only thing that matters is the outcome of your case, and you need somebody you can trust in your court. The sooner you talk to a criminal defense attorney, the better. Remember to exercise your right to remain silent and wait for your attorney to arrive.
If you or somebody you love is facing exploitation of minors charges in the Jackson Metro Area or the surrounding communities, contact the experienced team at Coxwell & Associates, PLLC at (601) 265-7766 for an immediate case consultation today.

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