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Can Baby Powder Cause Cancer in Men?

Man In Shower

As more talcum powder lawsuits go to trial, claiming using baby powder for feminine hygiene can cause ovarian cancer, it’s natural there are some concerns that baby powder could cause cancer in men too.

Talcum Powder Use Is Common With Men

It’s a common misconception that talc is only used for babies and women. In fact, there are a wide variety of talcum powder products available for men to use. Talcum powder is often used to help reduce excessive sweating and some men like to use it for personal and pubic hygiene. Due to the fact talc is used to help keep skin dry, it’s a popular (and cheap) product to buy and is a widely used hygiene product.

Some men also view talc as a type of body deodorant because of the sweet and clean fragrance it releases.

The Important Question – Can Baby Powder Cause Cancer in Men?

Currently, there is no evidence to suggest talcum powder can cause cancer for men when used for personal hygiene. However, that does not mean, talcum powder is safe to use.

Studies suggest that using talcum powder for feminine hygiene increases the risk of ovarian cancer in women. It is claimed that when baby powder is used on the perineal area, it can travel up to the ovaries and because the body cannot break down the talc minerals, cancerous cells could develop as a result. (More information on how baby powder can cause ovarian cancer.)

So far in the US, thousands of women have submitted lawsuits, claiming that years of using J&J Baby Powder and/or Shower to Shower talcum powder caused them to get ovarian cancer (or other cancers). They also argue, that Johnson and Johnson were aware of the dangers but decided not to warn their consumers (and have not issued a recall).

Due to the fact it is believed talcum powder can cause ovarian cancer, there are concerns about the potential risks it could expose to men who use talc. While there is no evidence yet that baby powder can cause cancer when used for male hygiene, it is recommended that you use an alternative instead, such as cornstarch. Cornstarch does not have the same cancer risks like talcum powder, and it’s important to choose a safer alternative when it comes to your own health.

Women Who Have Developed Ovarian Cancer After Years of Talcum Powder Use Could Be Eligible to Claim Compensation

At the moment, if you or a loved one has been negatively affected by talcum powder, you could be eligible to claim compensation. Women who have ovarian cancer caused by years of talcum powder use could file a lawsuit against Johnson & Johnson if they used J&J Baby Powder and/or Shower To Shower.

Some women have already won cases against J&J and received compensation.

Before you can start a talcum powder lawsuit, you must check your eligibility. We have created this quick and simple checker to help you find out within minutes.

Disclaimer: This blog is intended as general information purposes only, and is not a substitute for legal advice. Anyone with a legal problem should consult a lawyer immediately.
